Network for Oral and Maxillofacial Infections Oncology and Traumatology in Nigeria®


To be a dependable and an ethically sound household brand name with a professionally robust network of experts committed to systematically addressing the menace of oral and maxillofacial infections, tumours and injuries


To harness all available human and material resources to ensuring a disease-free and happy population with aesthetically pleasing appearance, and optimal quality of life through; advocacy, enlightenment and creation of awareness, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.

Core values

Compassion, Fellowship, Service.

Strategic plans and goals

i) Conscientiously create and enhance public awareness that ‘prevention is better and cheaper than cure’.
ii) Compassionately assist in the treatment and rehabilitation of the afflicted.
iii) Create a fellowship of ethically sound and compassionate professionals dedicated to community service.

‘Advocacy, enlightenment and creation of awareness, prevention, treatment and rehabilitation.’